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Welcome to CARE's Accountability Wiki!


The Accountability Wiki holds a body of guidance, tools, case studies, good practices and learning on accountability, drawing on resources from different parts of CARE and peer organisations. It also provides an open space for colleagues to contribute their learning, practices, and ideas, so that we are continually adding to our body of knowledge.

CARE’s vision, mission, and principles are at the heart of our accountability commitments and guide our daily work. Accountability is about how CARE exercises our power, upholds the commitments we make and take responsibility for our actions. We are accountable to a range of stakeholders, but first and foremost to our program participants and impact groups.

Resources in this Wiki

The CI Secretariat, CARE's Inclusive Governance team and CARE's Humanitarian Accountability team are regularly seeking, capturing and synthesizing resources to add to this wiki and CARE's growing body of good accountability practice. The CDA Collaborative Learning Project, a key external collaborator and thought-leader, has played a key role in collating resources and bringing in good practices from other organisations. A particular thanks is due to the team at CARE Egypt, who is helping examine the impetus for good accountability practices and the challenges associated with rolling them out, to CARE Uganda, who is critically examining and providing learning about accountability in partnerships, and to all the champions of accountability across CARE who are testing new tools and ideas.

This wiki includes the following resources, which will continually be updated with emerging learning, tools and practices:

CARE’s Accountability FrameworkAn overview of how CARE frames its accountability commitments.
Accountability ReportingThis section describes how we monitor and report on our accountability commitments.
Accountability Guidance, Resources and LearningA living guide for ways of translating CARE's commitments to accountability into practice, providing a set of tools, case studies and learning.
CARE Country ProfilesAn overview of how several offices are focusing on institutionalising accountability commitments.
CI PoliciesA set of resources and guidance on key global policies that are core to CARE's accountability.

If you have any questions, comments or would like to contribute to resources on this wiki, please contact Berenice Boukare, CI Accountability & Learning Officer.

home.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/22 16:37 by admin